Apr 14, 2020 |

As Superintendent Carter announced on Facebook Live on Friday, BCPS has put in place a robust At-Home Learning Plan, which includes both online and offline opportunities for students to continue to learn and stay connected for the remainder of the school year. Because we know that not all families have computers or internet access at home, we are distributing Chromebooks to families who need them.
Chromebook pickups will take place over the next two weeks starting today, Monday, April 13. If you need a computer for your child, please come get one during one of the scheduled pickup windows below.
Please note that Chromebooks are limited to one per household — we do not have enough laptops for every family, so we are asking that you only collect a Chromebook if you do not already have a working computer at home.
If you do not have wifi at home, Comcast and AT&T are offering free wifi to families. If internet connection is not available in your area, please call (269) 245-6129. We may be able to provide assistance.

These locations will be curbside pickup. Please enter the parking lot via S. Washington Avenue and exit via Michigan Avenue. Families should stay in their cars, and pop the trunk or open a door if possible to help maintain safe social distancing. You will be asked to verify your student’s name, school, birthdate and address. Parents/guardians do not need to be present for a student to pick up a device although it is highly recommended.
For the safety of our community, please do not come if you are feeling ill. Families who cannot make it to a pickup location should contact (269) 245-6129 and leave a message with your name and contact information.
For Spanish language support, please call (269) 419-1978.For Burmese language support, please call (269) 601-6029.
Chromebook pickup for high school and adult education students will take place this week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Battle Creek Area Math and Science Center parking lot at 201 W Michigan Ave.
Chromebook pickup for middle and elementary school students will take place next week, the week of April 20, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in the Battle Creek Area Math and Science Center parking lot at 201 W Michigan Ave.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us:
- For technology support, please contact helpdesk@battle-creek.k12.mi.us.
- For support accessing devices, meal pickups or for any other concerns, please contact (269) 245-6129.
- For Spanish language support, please call (269) 419-1978. For Burmese language support, please call (269) 601-6029.
Estimadas Familias BCPS,
BCPS ha implementado un sólido plan de aprendizaje en el hogar, que incluye oportunidades tanto en línea como fuera de línea para que los estudiantes continúen aprendiendo y permanezcan conectados durante el resto del año escolar. Ya que sabemos que no todas las familias tienen computadoras o acceso a Internet en el hogar, estamos distribuyendo Chromebooks a las familias que los necesitan.
Las recolecciones de Chromebook comenzaron esta semana en el estacionamiento del Centro de Matemáticas y Ciencias de Battle Creek y continuarán este miércoles y viernes de 11 a.m. a 1:30 p.m. para estudiantes de secundaria y educación de adultos. Para ayudar con el flujo del tráfico, asegúrese de ingresar al estacionamiento desde la calle Washington, proceder hacia el edificio del Centro de Matemáticas y Ciencias y salir por la avenida Michigan después de recoger un dispositivo.
La recolección de dispositivos para estudiantes de primaria y escuela intermedia comenzará la próxima semana, lunes 20 de abril de 11 am a 1:30 pm y continuará el próximo miércoles y viernes a la misma hora también. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con nosotros:
- Si tiene preguntas sobre el dispositivo o sobre otro apoyo tecnológico, comuníquese con helpdesk@battlecreekpublicschools.org.
- Las familias que no puedan llegar a un lugar de recolección pueden llamar o enviar un mensaje de texto al (269) 245-6129 para discutir otras opciones.
- Para apoyo en español, favor de llamar al (269) 419-1978.
- Para apoyo en birmano, favor de llamar al (269) 601-6029.
Y, como siempre, asegúrese de seguirnos en Facebook y www.battlecreekpublicschools.o... para obtener las últimas noticias y actualizaciones.