Greetings Bearcat Families,
Welcome to our Battle Creek Central Family Newsletter! We will use this tool to share news, announcements, and upcoming events to support our commitment to clear, consistent communication.
This week, we have a few key announcements to share. We've shared these announcements through the all-call and ask for your partnership in communicating with students at home.
- 💻 Be sure to check your grades in Skyward as we approach the last week of the school year. All assignments should be turned in and students should be studying for final exams.
- 📚 All 9th, 10th, and 11th graders at BCC have a unique opportunity to choose five new books from the Media Center to take home and read over the summer. There are novels, cookbooks, poetry collections, historical fiction, sports books, graphic novels, and more! Please look for these books at home and encourage personal reading for all students.
- 🍔 No school to honor Memorial Day on May 27. We hope you have a safe and restful weekend!
- 📚 Exam Week - May 28 (6th and 8th hour exams) - May 29 (7th and 9th hour exams) - May 30 (1st and 3rd hour exams) - May 31 (2nd and 4th hour).
- 🌞There will be a half day of school on May 30 and May 31 for final exams.
- 🍍 Summer school begins June 10 and runs through July 26. There are breaks on June 19 and July 1-5. If you have questions, you can stop and ask for Ms. Benjamin or Ms. Swanson in the Welcome Center.
- 📱 Cell phones must be turned off from 7:30-2:30.
- ⚾️Men's Baseball team has a game on May 29.
- 🥎Women's Softball has a game on May 29.
- ✋Attendance: Good school attendance is the first determinant of high school graduation. Students who miss 10% or more of school throughout the year miss out on significant class time and can quickly fall off track for graduation. Please help us support your children's success by ensuring they are in school on time daily.