Jan 30, 2024 |
Mark your calendars for Sunday, February 11, when BCPS will be teaming up with our partners from Communities in Schools to offer a free laundry day for BCPS families. As we’ve met with individuals throughout our community, we’ve heard that laundry needs can be a key barrier causing some students to miss school. We want students in school every day possible because good attendance is the foundation for success in school and in life. So whether you have limited access to a machine at home or are simply feeling overwhelmed and could use a catchup day, join us at Finish Line Laundry in Urbandale from 1 PM until 4 PM on Sunday, February 11, for up to three free loads per family.
Machine availability will be on a first-come, first-served basis based on Finish Line Laundry’s building capacity. If you have any questions, you can email rbolden@battlecreekpublicschools.org or reach out to your school’s Communities in Schools Student Support Coordinator.
See you there!