News Articles

Student Authors Publish Children's Books at BCCHS
Apr 29, 2022Students in Ms. Samples' class at BCCHS have been participating in a project-based learning (PBL) activity that gives them hands-on experience writing and publishing their own children’s books to share with children in the community.

Battle Creek Rotary Club Awards BCC Senior as Student of the Month
Mar 25, 2022BCC senior Rose Miller was recently named as the Battle Creek Rotary Club's Student of the Month.

BCCHS National Honor Society Welcomes New Members
Mar 18, 2022More than just an honor roll, the NHS serves to recognize those students who have demonstrated excellence in their academic achievements. This week, the Battle Creek Central High School chapter of NHS was proud to welcome 27 new members.

BCC Freshmen Tour School's Health Care Simulation Lab
Mar 4, 2022Recently, every BCCHS freshman scholar had the chance to tour the school's own Health Care Simulation Lab.

BCCHS Students Creating Children's Books to Promote Literacy
Mar 3, 2022Students in Ms. Samples' class at BCC have been participating in a project that gives them hands-on experience in the publication process while also promoting literacy in our community!

Spreading Joy at LaMora Park Elementary
Feb 25, 2022Recently, Tamara Babcock’s kindergarten class had the opportunity to put a few of the character traits they’d been learning about into action by working together to bag lunches up to take to various homeless shelters around Battle Creek.

NOW HIRING: BCPS Substitute Teachers
Jan 11, 2022Battle Creek Public Schools is actively recruiting substitute teachers to support our students across the district. Learn more and apply today!

Superintendent Update 12/17
Dec 17, 2021At this week’s board meeting, some members of our staff shared about challenges they have been facing with student behavior. I want you to know that we heard our teachers and that we are moving forward together as a BCPS team.

Board of Education Update 12/17
Dec 17, 2021Earlier this week, we heard a few of our teachers share their concerns about student behavior at a few of our schools. Leaders at BCPS have spent this week diving in deep on these comments and meeting with teachers. We are pleased to report that we have heard excellent results from these collaborative sessions. The BCPS leadership team is already moving forward productively in partnership with teachers and staff.

BCPS’ $44.8 Million Middle School Transformation Bond Passes!
Nov 2, 2021Battle Creek Public Schools (BCPS) is excited to announce that the $44.8 million bond measure to support the transformation of our middle schools passed yesterday! Thank you so much to the Vote Yes committee, teachers and staff, supportive parents, volunteers, and everyone else who made this bond proposal a success!