In Ms. Koch’s and Ms. Samples’ algebra class recently, students discussed how their education at the Battle Creek Central High School Career Academies will support their future, gearing them up for a career within a specific pathway of their choice. Through project-based learning, students in the class will be exploring various career options that align with the school's Career Pathways.
The first project-based learning activity began this week, giving students an inside look at the Public Safety pathway through the Academy of Health and Human Services. Students were presented with real-life safety concerns as reported by traffic engineers and local government officials. It was their goal to come up with a solution that could help to reduce the number of crashes within the community. Data was provided to highlight potential dangers associated with several intersection locations. Students then worked in groups to determine which situations to focus on and how best to utilize a limited budget.
This activity also supported the school's Reading Apprenticeship approach for thinking and learning. The Reading Apprenticeship approach focuses on connecting both academic and social-emotional learning for students through the power of reading. Following this approach, students learn to practice “metacognition,” or "thinking about one's thinking," in order to reflect on their learning. Students may ask questions, such as:
- How did I solve that problem?
- Do I see patterns in what I did?
- Does this remind me of something I've done before?
- Were the strategies and skills I used effective for this assignment?
- Did I do an effective job of communicating with others before, during, or after learning?
By continuing to engage students through project-based learning and the Reading Apprenticeship approach, our goal is to keep students actively involved in and accountable for their learning, while promoting improved reading comprehension, problem-solving and communication skills.
By the end of the first project in Ms. Koch's and Ms. Samples' class, one group had already found a way to reduce the number of crashes by 52! We can't wait to see how these experiences will pave the way for our future leaders. Way to go Bearcats!