Apr 4, 2023 |
MDE 2022-2023 Electronic Device Use Policy
This year, the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) released an updated 2022-2023 Electronic Device Use Policy. The new policy lays out clear expectations for the use of all electronic devices to help ensure security and fairness in all state assessments. Below is the plan and expectations we will adhere to in Battle Creek Public Schools.
The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Spring 2023 testing window begins Monday, April 10. Click here to learn more.
Electronic Device Examples:
Examples of electronic devices include, but are not limited to:
- any electronic device that can be used to record, transmit, or receive information not used for testing
- computer tablets, iPads, e-readers (for example: Kindle)
- smart watches (for example: Fitbits; Apple, Garmin, Samsung watches; any watch with access to other applications or the internet)
- smartphones and cell phones
- Bluetooth headphones, smart earbuds (for example: Beats, iPods), or any headphone with access to other applications or the internet
- smart glasses (for example: Google Glass)
- desktop computers, laptops, and Chromebooks not used for testing
Policy for Students
Students are not permitted to use, to wear, or to access any personal, non-testing electronic devices during testing or while on a break when in an active testing session. These electronic devices include but are not limited to smartphones, cell phones, smartwatches, Bluetooth headphones, headphones that allow access to voice assistant technology, and computers and/or tablets not being actively used for testing purposes. Administration staff are to practice due diligence in actively monitoring students in the testing room and on breaks to ensure that electronic devices are not accessed.
If a student brings an additional electronic device into the testing room, the test administrator must follow the district/building level electronic device policy in ensuring the electronic device is stored appropriately and is not accessible to the student during testing.
The testing environment is not to be disturbed by any electronic devices not used for testing or test administration. If an additional electronic device is medically necessary for a testing student, the device must be left with the test administrator, or the test must be administered to the student in a one test
administrator-to-one student setting, in the event the student requires that the device be kept with them, and the student must be actively monitored at all times while testing.
- Students are not allowed to access the device used for testing for any other purpose than to complete the test during the test session.
- A student may not access any additional websites or applications during testing, or for any other purpose after testing, while in the testing room or on a break during testing.
- Staff is to ensure that all testing devices are configured properly and that all background applications are disabled before testing begins.
- No pictures or videos may be taken during testing.
Policy for Test Administrators/Test Monitors and Staff
Test Administrators and Test Monitors must be focused on active monitoring throughout test administration. Districts must determine how Test Administrators and Test Monitors will alert others if issues arise (for example, sick student[s] in the room, technical issues).
During testing, staff may only use a computer (or other appropriately configured device, for example, an iPad or Chromebook) for monitoring the WIDA, MI-Access FI, or M-STEP assessments, and these devices should be used for no other purpose, during testing.
To allow Test Administrators and Test Monitors to actively monitor with minimal disruption, districts may choose to allow Test Administrators and Test Monitors to use cell phones to alert other staff of issues. Test Administrators/Monitors may use cell phones or other electronic devices only to alert others that assistance is needed or in an emergency. Wearable technology is strongly discouraged for testing staff; if it is worn, devices must be set on airplane mode to limit access to other applications and the internet.
A Test Administrator shall not disturb the testing environment through texting, speaking, or other cell
phone/wearable technology/electronic device use, except in the event of an emergency.
Test content can never be photographed or communicated; this includes when a Test Administrator or Test Monitor needs to alert others of an issue or incident.
Test Administrators and Test Monitors are not to use their cell phones, wearable technology, or other devices to check email or perform other work during testing. All such electronic devices are to be silenced to reduce disruptions. If a district chooses to allow Test Administrators and Test Monitors to use cell phones to contact other staff during testing, the district must place particular emphasis on proper and improper cell phone use when they communicate to staff about district policies and procedures for testing.
Staff who go between rooms or help to troubleshoot technical issues during testing, such as the District Assessment Coordinator or Technology Coordinator, may also use their cell phones to contact the service provider’s help desk; however, if possible, they should step out of the testing room to make calls to minimize disruptions.
Best Practices
Students and staff are not allowed to bring any additional electronic devices into the testing room.
- Electronic devices are to be left at home or kept in a secure on-site location during testing
(student lockers, staff storage cabinets). - There are to be strict policies and procedures in place to prevent additional electronic devices from being brought into the testing room.
- Staff is to actively verify that no student has additional electronic devices before, during, and after testing.
Example: Test administration staff remind students to check that they have no electronic devices.
- “Do you have earbuds in your ears or in your pocket?” “Are you wearing a smartwatch?”
Acceptable Practices
Policies and procedures are in place to ensure additional electronic devices are not accessible to students while in the testing room.
- Additional electronic devices brought by students into the testing room are collected by staff members; the devices are powered off and stored away from the students.
Prohibited Practices
- Students bring additional electronic devices into the testing room and devices are accessible during testing.
- If a student has a cell phone or other non-test electronic device out at any point during a test session, that student’s test has been compromised and is to be invalidated due to prohibited behavior, even if the student did not use the cell phone or device.
- Students are not allowed to wear or access “wearable” technology (such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, Bluetooth headphones) during testing. If a student is wearing such a devise during testing, that student’s test must be invalidated because the student has access to the device regardless of whether it was used or not.
- Even if a student has exited or submitted their test, they cannot use cell phones or other electronic devices in the testing room. If the student has exited/submitted the test and then accesses a cell phone/electronic device (including wearable technology), this constitutes prohibited behavior and the student’s test will be invalidated.
- Staff brings additional electronic devices into the testing room and devices are accessible during testing.
- If a test administrator or other staff in the testing room accesses an additional electronic device, this will result in a misadministration for the entire testing session and invalidation of the students’ tests, in addition to any other actions the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) deems necessary.
- Photography/communication of test content will result in a misadministration for the entire testing session and invalidation of the students’ tests, in addition to any other actions MDE deems necessary.